Motor Resources
Electric motors make up the largest single category of electricity use in the Pacific Northwest. While most projects reduce motor load by improving downstream efficiencies, motor efficiency upgrades and improved motor management practices can also yield savings.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) has published A Sourcebook for Industry on Improving Motor and Drive System Performance. AMO's motor systems website also includes other resources and tip sheets.

Green Motors
When a motor fails, the user or owner faces three choices: Rewind to a lower efficiency, rewind and maintain the original efficiency, or replace it with a new motor. Purchasing a new NEMA Premium motor will result in the highest motor efficiency, but involves the greatest up-front cost.

When purchasing a new motor is cost-prohibitive, Green Motors service centers link-external seek to sustain the efficiency of the original motor by adhering to rewind procedures that meet or exceed industry-standard ANSI/EASA AR100-2015.

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