The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) proposed funding multiple entities to restore habitat along a four-mile section of the Entiat River. The project would have helped re-establish natural riverine processes and improve the floodplain function to provide spawning, rearing, and off-channel refuge habitat for native fish-salmon, steelhead, bull trout, and other resident fish-and wildlife in the Entiat River basin.


At this time, BPA has reallocated funding to other projects in the Upper Columbia Region and so is no longer involved with the planning and design of the Middle Entiat River Restoration Project. Reclamation has decided to allocate funding to complete the planning and design for the project along with the intent to implement the project. Reclamation is now the Lead Agency for environmental compliance, including compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Historic Preservation Act.

If you have any questions related to Reclamation’s NEPA process, please contact Rebecca Thompson, 208-378-5191,


For environmental information, contact:
Ted Gresh Toll-free: 800-622-4519
Environmental Protection Specialist Direct line: 503-230-5756
Bonneville Power Administration - ECF-4  Email: 
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621

For project information, contact:
Joe Connor Toll-free: 800-622-4519
Project Manager Direct line: 503-230-3172
Bonneville Power Administration - EWU-4  Email: 
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208-3621


Public Letter (07/12/2017)

Scoping comments received
Public Letter (02/01/2016)
Project Map (12/29/2015)
Comment Form (02/01/2016)